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W H A T   W E   D O

Whatever your video needs, we'll help you bring your ideas to life. We strive to implement a fun, collaborative process that leads to a unique, authentic product.
Fundraising Campaign Videos
Voiceover & Radio Spots
Live Event Coverage
Digital Promotional Videos for Social Media
Quick-Turnaround Editing with Multiple Revisions
Music Videos
Performance Footage & Reels
Actor Demo Reels
Voiceover Reel Recording
Audition Taping
Original Scene Production

C R E A T I V E   S E R V I C E S 

With a small core team and a big network of affiliate artists, we're here to help out as much (or as little) as you'd like.
Concept Creation
Custom Music Composition
Hair and Makeup Styling
Costumes and Props 
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